On 12 March 2016, children in Malawi look on amazed in the community demonstration of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs or drones) flying in Lilongwe. The Ministry of Health and UNICEF launched the first 10km auto programmed flight in a trial to speed up the testing and diagnosis of HIV in infants. Malawi has a national HIV prevalence rate of 10% - still one of the highest in the world. An estimated 1 million Malawians were living with HIV in 2013 and 48,000 died from HIV-related illnesses in the same year. Whilst progress has been made, and today 90% of pregnant women know their HIV status, there is still a drop off with testing and treating babies and children. In 2014, around 10,000 children in Malawi died from HIV-related diseases and less than half of all children were on treatment. Samples are currently transported by road, either by motorbike or local authority ambulances. Various factors including the high cost of diesel fuel, poor state of roads and limited distribution schedules have resulted in extreme delays in lab sample transport, constituting a significant impediment for the scaling up of paediatric ARTís effectiveness. In March 2016, the Government of Malawi and UNICEF have started testing the use of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs or drones) to explore cost effective ways of reducing waiting times for HIV testing of infants. The test, which is using simulated samples, will have the potential to cut waiting times dramatically, and if successful will be integrated into the health system alongside others mechanisms such as road transport and SMS. The first successful test flight completed the 10km route unhindered travelling from a community health centre to the Kamuzu Central Hospital laboratory. Local residents gathered in amazement as the vehicle took off and flew away in the direction of the hospital. The test flights which are assessing viability including cost and safety, will continue until Friday 18th March. The UAV flights are suppo



創新,是要跳出舊有的框框,從而創造更大價值。對於慈善機構而言,在打破傳統的求變之路上,藉着科技的力量,加強籌款效益以及提升前綫工作的效率,是兩大重要目標。以籌款方式為例,隨着科技進步,電子支付服務大行其道,捐款的方式也應與時並進,開拓更多的電子化渠道及網上平台吸納善款。當籌款效益有所提升,便可調撥更多資源,推動前綫救援工作的科技應用,為改善全球弱勢兒童的生活帶來實際貢獻。 聯合國兒童基金會(UNICEF)利用無人機技術,在非洲啟動救人工作,加速愛滋病的診斷過程。例如在非洲的馬拉維,已開始測試使用無人機運送愛滋病測試的血液樣本的成效。無人機可取代陸路運輸,縮短等候測試結果的時間,讓更多的小朋友可以及早獲得診斷和治療,拯救更多的小生命。現時,無人機空中走廊測試已擴展至塞拉里昂及納米比亞。UNICEF全球抗愛滋運動在技術及項目上的科技應用,需要廣大民眾的捐款與支持,因此,籌款項目的創新亦應同步發展 。 網上籌款平台是發揮P2P(Peer to Peer)巨大動員能力的利器,結合社交媒體傳播訊息的速度,彈指之間大大提升群眾的參與度─由認同慈善機構工作的支持者發動籌款,透過他們在網上平台以第一身分享感受,把機構的理念化為「貼地」的故事,增強感染力,有利凝聚朋輩力量完成籌款目標,同時憑藉支持者的人際網絡,把機構的信念帶到社區每一個角落。 研發新的科技於籌款當中,需要資金、技術和人才的投放。因此,提供技術支援的企業伙伴,同樣是慈善機構的強大後盾。聯合國兒童基金香港委員會(UNICEF HK)的年度籌款盛事—聯合國兒童基金會「為兒童·跑」(Run for Every Child),今年便夥拍眾安科技(國際)集團創立的非牟利機構「眾安關懷」(ZA Care),開發全新的眾籌平台,鼓勵跑手或支持者建立個人籌款專頁,透過影片、相片和文字等多媒體資訊,分享各自的個人故事和幫助兒童的信念。新系統更設有簡易社交媒體分享功能,建立好個人籌款專頁後,只要按一個鍵,便可將專頁連結透過Facebook、Instagram、WhatsApp等分享,感染身邊親友支持他們的善舉和UNICEF HK,號召更多社會大眾以不同的角色,參與這慈善盛事。 建立一個設計簡潔、易於使用,架構完整的網上平台,是眾籌平台成功的關鍵。而自主研發的科技是眾安的強項,是次合作充分展現企業的科技優勢,商業機構如何透過自身的強項行善,實踐企業社會責任(CSR),造福社會,可謂相得益彰。 「為兒童·跑」促成創新的籌款方式,同時亦支援前綫救援工作的創新項目。UNICEF的科技發展,有賴一眾慈善家及企業的捐獻及技術支援,合作形式多樣化,日後的專欄,希望與各位分享一些UNICEF創新基金的概念及實際操作。 如欲支持「為兒童·跑」籌款盛事,請瀏覽網址︰http://bit.ly/unicefRUN_ce09 [...]